logo santia Software for centers of comprehensive care and support for people living with HIV/aids
Santia is a software designed for the centers of comprehensive care and support for people living with HIV/aids.

It manages the patient's file and the services of the center (pharmacy, etc.).

It is, in the same time, a realtime work tool, and a follow-up & reporting tool.

Created in 2004 for the French Red Cross, Santia is always free of charge, free to use, open source and periodically updated.

- Better follow-up of the patient's file
- Time saving
- Full and customizable
- Use online or local network

- Medical file, psycho-social, PMTCT, therapeutic education
- Pharmacy stock, dispensing
- Triage, testing, laboratory
- Community activities
- Reports

> Online test

user=demo password=demo

> Setup

> Help

> Training

> Documentation

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2024-03-07 20:59:06 UTC
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Bénin, Burkina Faso, Centrafrique, Congo B., Djibouti, Gabon, Guinée, Maurice, Mauritanie, Togo.
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Aids is the n°1 killing disease in the world, while treatments exist. Join the Santia project !
Emmanuel Schaer
Emmanuel Schaer
email schaer@santia.org
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